Facility Management

Services Offered

Security services: - It is a very crucial aspect which too is scrutinized, evaluating loop polls and ensuring all the things to adhere in the right manner. Security has a vital role; we can describe it as protection to all beloved. Our team is concerned with all of our valued associates and is happy to be a helping hand for the needy. Due to a lack of security in the respective premises, many are facing sleepless nights. It’s our pleasure to come up with a solution to make enjoyable days, peaceful sleepy nights. We commit to serve 24/7, keeping a close eye for protecting you and your loved ones with all required safety measures, equipment with deploying well-trained staff.

Housekeeping services:- Cleanliness is a major factor, keeping up good hygiene practices can prevent spreading contagious diseases. where there is cleanliness there is heath. We believe all lives are precious to one another with concern to this we recruit trained, dedicated staffs who can take many initiatives on cleaning and hygiene factors and tends to keep the environment as their home. Our dwell time hygiene cleaning contributes to keeping healthy, clean, and tidy. We operate both Institutional and Domestic housekeeping services.

Payroll Management services: - We assure that the requirements are met in an efficient way in order to carry out the smooth flow of business operations. Time, Expenses, Expertise faculty, Peace of mind, we have taken a step ahead with these concerns should not be affected to any organizational business operations. Time saved: - Prospecting, screening, and recruiting the right talent is time-consuming and a lengthy process.

**Expense reduction: - ** With contractual staffing background, we have a ready data pool and payroll infrastructure, compliance experts which can enable us to hire within budget reduces expenses.

Expertise Faculty: - With a specialized team of in-house experts who can handle operations, recruitment, payroll and compliance, employee management.

Peace of Mind: - Literally free among others, paying salaries, managing compliances, remitting payroll taxes, maintaining payroll software, and generating reports for in-house by choosing third-party payroll services.

Staffing: - Managing workforce efficiently with a flexible and scalable solution. One-stop for all your hiring, payrolling, compliance, and so on with simplified team management.

  • Staffing activities recruitment yield pyramid
  • Employees Evaluation
  • *

    • Establishing performance standards* Evaluating performance* Training and development

FMCG BTL Services

Below the line marketing, highly targeted direct marketing focused on conversions, which will be more impact on the best responses and conversions

Merchandising: - Influencing consumer's decisions with the promotion of particular sale that can employ pricing, effective offers implementation, display, which impacts on the sales increment which in turn generates revenue. Merchandising accomplishment Never compromising principles unique sourcing which is something advanced, which will be a massive impact on the targeted audiences/ market The particular product range will be merchandised with concern of age, sex, and palate of the target market

Promoters/ Sales representatives: - Key role at a retail chain/ brand which will expand the scope of businesses with honest and confident excellent customer demonstration. Crucial drive We trust 4p’s will be a game-changer in this role which can be derived

Product: - Being familiar with the entire category product line that falls in.

Placement: - To be located in high shopper’s density areas with positioning eye level of specific goods.

**Price: - **Dealing with discount offering area comparative with competitors’ price. As price factor plays a vital role in customers purchase

Decisions promotion: - Being aware of all promotional aspects much impacts on intensifying conversion ratio Competent advice to the consumers

Management information system (Mis): - Backbone of the organization's operations, data extracted from various sources, and derive insights that drive business growth

Marketing strategies

Art of planning design to achieve long-term advancement. Reaching prospective consumers turning into customers revolves around a company proposition by which it interfaces company profile, operations, deserves of association.

Web Design and Development: - Being in a fast-paced environment every business proposal being considered a web page as the first point of contact. The web page has to be designed and developed with much experience, sound knowledge. We at Trust Secure have an experienced, dedicated faculty where we can assist, suggest to have a better outlook of your web page. We do care like ours, which will be a value-added to your business perspective. We are more concerned with the speed of web pages. We trust each and every penny spent to be fulfilled your dream work.